And came home with this:
Yes, OF COURSE there is a good reason! Dale recently posted information on the Red Scarf Project to one of our groups. So...since this stuff was all marked down to $3 a skein, and Joann's was further discounting it by an additional 50%, I took advantage! Oh, and when I checked out, I had $40 worth of stuff...she said... You know, if you buy another $10 worth of stuff, you'll get a gift card for $10! Oh darn, twist my arm won't you...
Here's the closeup version if you want to see the detail better...
Was thrilled this week to receive my final package in the mail from my Spooky SP!! Somerset sent me these GREAT socks! Oh, and they're even made of very soft cottony yarn, so no hot sweaty wool here in Florida!
The same day my socks arrived, Orna and I went on the annual field trip to Prism Yarn studios in St. Petersburg! We had truly hoped many more people would be able to attend this year, but sadly 2006 found us with our smallest contingent yet!! For those who don't know, once a year, Laura Bryant opens her studio and sells ends of dye lots, test lots, and the like, to the public. It's become an annual pilgrimage, and this was my 4th trip! As always, you have to look carefully, but if you do, there are LOTS of fun things to be found!
I also found these gorgeous green yarns...and look how well my boss's mohair goes with them!!
These lovely red yarns are a set that I picked up for a friend who was out of town and unable to road trip with us...
Ok, just one more...a set that I put together with Orna's help...found the KidSlick (mohair twist) first, then picked up the tiny accent skein, and finally added the peach one at the end...a little bit of a strange mix, but I think it works!
Of course, I was also able to find a couple of gifts for various exchanges I'm doing this year, but no, I'm not going to post those just yet...maybe later!
Well, have to wrap it to a Christmas party tonight on the other side of the city...
Wow - my LYS carries Prism yarns; I'm drooling just imagining being able to rummage through bins of it on sale!!
And Laura's sample sweaters on sale too!! I don't usually buy those though, since a "sale" of one of those sweaters usually runs between $150 and $300! It's great to get to see it all though, and she's very personable, coming around to talk to each person while they browse. And they have wine and cheese available for snacking the front room, not in the actual workshop...that's all about the yarns!
I can't wait to see you in your vest! I haven't picked up my knitting since Sunday. I've managed to do about 12 dozen cookies so far. ARGH!!!!!
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